General Rules and Policies

General Rules and Policies:

AC/C TECH’s General Rules and Policies include the following areas:

Academic Breaks

Students are responsible for meeting all academic obligations prior to leaving for a scheduled break, e.g.: holiday, winter, spring, or summer break. So again, students are required to complete all lessons, examinations, labs, and OJT commitments, FOR WHICH THEY ARE RESPONSIBLE. In addition, students are responsible for meeting all academic obligations when classes restart. Be sure to make travel plans in accordance with the institutional schedule… because no one will be excused or have an examination extended because of ill advised planning.

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Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on AC/C TECH property. Violation of this policy through the consumption, possession, or distribution is subject to disciplinary action.

AC/C TECH may also contact local law enforcement or emergency agencies in situations involving alcohol as deemed appropriate. Examples of these type situations include students or guests who refuse or fail to comply when asked to forfeit suspicious beverages; or who become disruptive due to alcohol consumption; or who are obviously intoxicated to the point that they present a clear and present danger to themselves or others. Also, the possession of empty alcohol containers is prohibited, and students will be subject to disciplinary action.

Pursuant to the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), AC/C TECH may notify parents of students under the age of 21 who are alleged to be in violation of this policy. AC/C TECH may contact parents before a disciplinary hearing, and not inform the student of that notification. The Director of Student Services will maintain a record of parental disclosures and provide evidence to the student, upon request.

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Anti-Violence Policy

AC/C TECH strives to maintain a safe and healthy learning environment, and to that end, we will not tolerate violence of any kind. Students who violate this policy may be subject to disciplinary action which may include permanent dismissal. Furthermore, AC/C TECH may pursue legal action if a student’s conduct (on or off-campus) represents a threat to the health, safety, or welfare of other students or the AC/C TECH community or the integrity of the school. In short, students must comply with all local, state, and federal statutes that apply towards violence.

The following terms are used to indicate AC/C TECH’s policy with regard to violence on campus.

  1. Acts of violence include any physical action, whether intentional or reckless, that harms or threatens the safety of another individual
  2. A threat of violence includes any behavior that by its very nature could be interpreted by a reasonable person as intent to cause physical harm to another individual.
  3. The possession of a weapon on AC/C TECH’s property unless written permission has been previously given by the President of the Institution.

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Bullying will not be tolerated. Bullying is when a person is picked on over and over again by an individual or group with more power, either in terms of physical strength or social standing. Some bullies attack their targets physically, which can mean anything from shoving, tripping, punching, hitting, or even sexual assault. Others may use psychological control or verbal insults to put themselves in control. For example, people in popular groups or cliques often bully people they categorize as different by excluding them or gossiping about them known as psychological bullying. They may also taunt or tease their targets as verbal bullying. Verbal bullying can also involve cyberbullying; e.g.: sending cruel text messages or posting insults about a person on Facebook or other social sites. Students found guilty of bullying will be disciplined which may include permanent dismissal.

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Body Piercing and Tattooing

Due to health and safety concerns, and out of consideration for all members of the AC/C TECH community, performing body piercing and/or tattooing is not permitted on AC/C TECH property. This policy applies even if the person performing the piercing (or tattooing) is licensed and performs this service in a professional capacity.

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Conduct and Dress

Students attending AC/C TECH Courses assume an obligation and are expected by the institution to conduct themselves in a professional manner to achieve the educational objectives. The behavior of a student should reflect seriousness of purpose, propriety of action, responsible behavior in all social settings and an awareness of their obligation as a student of AC/C TECH and a citizen of the community. Students may not engage in disruptive or disorderly conduct nor lewd, indecent or obscene conduct or dress on AC/C TECH property.

Wearing or possessing any attire related to any groups or traditions are prohibited and may be subject to disciplinary action. Students may not harass or require other students to refrain from wearing certain colors, symbols or distinctive garments on specific days of the week or require restrictions in speech or behavior as a part of any student tradition. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.

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Illegal and synthetic drugs (i.e., possession, use, or distribution of controlled substances without a doctor’s prescription) are prohibited on AC/C TECH’s property. Possession of drug paraphernalia, including hookahs, is also prohibited. Anyone found guilty of violating this regulation may be dismissed from AC/C TECH. Those found responsible for selling drugs will be dismissed. As a matter of policy, AC/C TECH will notify law enforcement in all situations where a violation of Indiana or federal laws governing controlled substances appears to have occurred. Pursuant to FERPA, AC/C TECH may notify the parents of students under the age of 21 who are alleged to be in violation of this policy. AC/C TECH may contact parents prior to any disciplinary hearing and is not required to inform students of the notification. The Director of Student Services will maintain a record of any parental disclosures that will be provided to the student involved, upon request.

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Drug-Free School Act

The Drug-Free School and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 require an institution of higher education, as a condition of receiving funds or any other form of financial assistance under any federal program, to certify that it has adopted and implemented a program to prevent the unlawful possession, use, manufacture, or distribution of illicit drugs and alcohol by students. As part of this drug and alcohol prevention program, students may be provided information about the program annually. Additional copies of the prevention program can be obtained from the Director of Student Services. The AC/C TECH prevention program includes institutional policy regarding the use of alcohol and other drugs, educational information including federal, state and local laws, and health risks associated with the use of alcohol and other drugs.

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AC/C TECH determines the appropriate vehicle for official communications. Along with other forms of communications, students are responsible for receiving, reading, and responding to AC/C TECH e-mails. A student’s failure to receive or read official communications in a timely manner does not absolve the student from knowing and complying with the content in the communications. Students are expected to check their AC/C TECH e-mail on a frequent and consistent basis in order to remain informed of educational-related communications. Faculty and staff will assume that a student’s official AC/C TECH e-mail is a valid mechanism for communicating. Faculty may use e-mail for communicating with students registered in classes. This policy ensures that all students are informed of course requirements communicated to them by e-mail from course instructors.

Students must submit coursework according to acceptable guidelines established by instructors.

  • Students are not permitted to send, transmit or otherwise communicate any “spam” or other unsolicited email messages using their AC/C TECH e-mail account.
  • Students are not permitted to send emails to prospective students without consent from the Director of Recruitment and Admission services.

For further assistance regarding e-mails, students should contact the Director of Student Services.

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Firearms, Weapons, Explosives, Firecrackers, Etc.

Unauthorized use or possession of firearms, other weapons, explosives, firecrackers, or chemicals within or upon the grounds, buildings, or any other facilities of AC/C TECH is prohibited. This policy shall not apply to any police officer or others authorized by the President of the Institution. “Weapons” may include but are not limited to: B-B guns, slingshots, martial arts devices, brass knuckles, Bowie knives, daggers or similar knives, or switchblades. A harmless instrument designed to look like a firearm, weapon, or explosive which is used by a person to cause fear in or assault to another person is expressly included within the meaning of firearms, weapons, or explosives.

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Gambling in any form is not allowed on AC/C TECH property.

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(A) Racial, Religious, or National Origin Harassment

Racial, religious, or national origin harassment is expressly prohibited at AC/C TECH. Racial, religious, or national origin harassment includes any verbal, written, or physical act in which race, religion, or national origin is used or implied in a manner that would make another person uncomfortable in the educational environment or that would interfere with another person’s ability to participate in an educational program. Examples of racial, religious, or national origin harassment include jokes that include reference to race, religion, or national origin; the display or use of objects or pictures that adversely reflect on a person’s race, religion, or national origin; or use of language that is offensive due to a person’s race, religion, or national origin.

(B) Sexual Harassment

Sexual harassment is defined as unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, when:

  • Submission to the conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a condition of participation in an educational program or activity or a condition of employment; or
  • Submission to or rejection of the conduct is used as the basis for an employment decision or decision regarding participation in an educational program or activity affecting the harassed employee or student; or
  • Such conduct has the purpose or effect of substantially interfering with the student’s or employee’s educational performance or work, or creates an intimidating, hostile, or offensive learning or work environment.

Prohibited acts of sexual harassment can take a variety of forms, ranging from off-color jokes to subtle pressure for sexual activity to physical assault. It is not possible to identify each and every act that may constitute sexual harassment. Examples of conduct that may constitute sexual harassment are:

  • Repeated or unwelcome sexual flirtations, advances, propositions, touching, remarks, or requests for sexual favors
  • Graphic verbal comments about a person’s body
  • Sexually degrading words used to describe a person
  • The display of sexually suggestive objects or pictures
  • Unwelcome questions or comments about private sexual matters
  • Slurs, “off-color” jokes, or degrading comments related to gender
  • Demeaning, discourteous conduct, or negative stereotyping; or
  • A sexual relationship with a subordinate or a student.

(C) No Retaliation

AC/C TECH will not allow retaliation against anyone who reports or assists in making a complaint of prohibited harassment. Retaliation is contrary to this policy statement and may result in discipline up to and including suspension, termination, or dismissal. Anyone who feels that retaliatory action has been taken because of reporting or filing an official complaint should immediately bring the matter to the Director of Student Services attention.

(D) How to Report Instances of Harassment or Retaliation

AC/C TECH cannot resolve matters that are not brought to its attention, and therefore, any student affected by a complaint or witness’s harassment or retaliation, has a responsibility to immediately bring the matter to the attention of AC/C TECH. This responsibility applies to everyone, including all AC/C TECH employees, students, advisory members, and the public.

Students may report an incident to any faculty or staff member; however, they are encouraged to inform the Director of Student Services, Director of Education, or President of this Institution.

If the complaint or observation involves someone in the student’s direct line of command, or if the student is uncomfortable discussing the matter, he/she is urged to go to another member of the AC/C TECH staff. Any member of the AC/C TECH community, including faculty, staff and students may file a grievance against the individual who apparently violated a rule. Local law enforcement may be contacted.

(E) How AC/C TECH Will Investigate Complaints

AC/C TECH will thoroughly and promptly investigate all claims of harassment or retaliation. If an investigation confirms that harassment or retaliation has occurred, AC/C TECH will take prompt, corrective action, as appropriate. Complaints of harassment and retaliation will be kept confidential as much as possible.

(F) AC/C TECH’s Commitment to an Effective No Harassment Policy

Finally, if you feel that AC/C TECH has not met its obligations under the policy, you should inform the President of this Institution. Also, you can file a complaint with the Indiana Commission for Higher Education using the ICHE’s Student Complaint form or the Indiana Civil Rights Commission by calling 800-628-2909.

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Non-compliance Issues

Students must comply with orders or directives of AC/C TECH, as well as law enforcement officials or fire department personnel acting in the performance of their duties. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action.

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Personal Property

AC/C TECH shall not be liable directly or indirectly for loss or damage to personal property by fire, theft, or any other cause. Each student is encouraged to review their family personal property insurance coverage. AC/C TECH will assist in verifying a loss for an insurance claim provided the student have completed the necessary theft report. (See Theft to follow in this section.) AC/C TECH is not responsible for any vehicle, registered or unregistered, or its contents while parked on AC/C TECH’s property; nor is AC/C TECH responsible for damages which may result from improper towing or storage of parked vehicles. Cars should be locked at all times.

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Property Damage

Students, student organizations, and other members of the academic community will be held responsible for the loss or destruction of AC/C TECH property. Violators will be subject to disciplinary action and cost of repairs.

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Professional Conduct and No Harassment
(Including the Prohibition of Harassment Based on Racial, Religious, and National Origin as well as Sexual Harassment)

It is a general policy at AC/C TECH to maintain an environment that is free of harassment, illegal discrimination, and unprofessional conduct. In keeping with this policy, AC/C TECH prohibits any form of harassment by or against any student, employee, and applicant for employment, customer, supplier, or any other person whether such harassment is lawful or unlawful. It is never justifiable to harass a student or employee because of her/his race, color, sex, religion, national origin, citizenship, age, disability, sexual orientation, or any other status protected by law. Harassment is counterproductive and does not serve the principles on which AC/C TECH operates.

AC/C TECH respects the dignity and worth of each student and believes that each student and employee should be free to develop fully their potential, neither hindered by artificial barriers nor aided by factors that are not related to merit. AC/C TECH also prohibits unprofessional conduct and comments that may not amount to unlawful harassment. All employees are expected to use good judgment and to avoid even the appearance of impropriety in all of their dealings with students and with other employees. AC/C TECH employees especially must exhibit the highest degree of personal integrity at all times, refraining from any behavior that might be harmful to students, subordinates or the institution.

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Smoking Limitations

AC/C TECH will maintain a student-centered approach to education, commitment to creating a healthy learning environment, and general concern for the well-being of every student, and therefore, smoking is restricted at AC/C TECH. Smoking is not permitted inside any building; however, smoking is allowed in designated areas. Students found smoking in nonsmoking areas are subject to disciplinary action.

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Social Networking Online

Students and student organizations are encouraged to publicize and promote their activities via social networking, e.g.: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and other social networks.

Students may:

  1. Post content daily for continued growth.
  2. Use images when posting to Facebook.
  3. Increase exposure of AC/C TECH training programs by incorporating social buttons on the website.
  4. Include social sharing buttons for organizations that have an interest in promoting higher education and training.
  5. Run a Launchrock Campaign -- Launchrock is a popular free service for collecting email addresses of people who want to get early access to something new. What’s special about Launchrock is that it can be used to turn a regular promotion into a viral marketing strategy to help drive traffic and increase student enrollment.
  6. Create micro content. A growing trend is to create bite sized chunks of content for quick and easy consumption.
  7. Students are encouraged to experiment with different titles as shown with blog posts. The title of a blog carries a lot more weight than the average person realizes and should get as much attention as the content in the post. For example: Titles relating to Diagnose and Repair Tips, Energy Saving Tips, Anatomy of an Appliance, Planned Maintenance Activities, etc., can draw special attention.

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Telephone Directories
(Yellow & White Pages)

AC/C TECH will maintain a listing of telephone numbers in geographical areas where training is provided. The publication shall include the name and address of AC/C TECH facilities. The publication may also list [1] Courses, [2] Technical Certificate Programs, and/or [3] the Associate of Applied Science Degree in Residential & Apartment Technology.

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Persons engaging in theft of individual or AC/C TECH property shall be subject to disciplinary action. If you believe that something may have been stolen from you, report this information to the Director of Student Services as soon as possible. Thefts may also be reported to local law enforcement officials.

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Students found guilty of destruction or defacement of AC/C TECH property, or other student property, may be subject to fines and other forms of disciplinary action. In addition, students found guilty are subject to an assessment for the costs of repair or replacement of the items damaged. Incidences related to vandalism will be reported to local law enforcement officials.

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